Honestly I think theres a lot of bull shit within the community using scare tactics and attention seekers that say they've been banned for auto clicking. I don’t think windows (could just be my old pc) had options for mouse wheel binds, but it helps a lot. This or if you have the option bind it to the spin of your mouse wheel. I think most people lie, and /or were exposed in game by players who took screens etc put them on reddit/tweeted. Rebind keys on your keyboard to left click instead using AutoHotkey.

I have several friends on osrs right now going for 200, have hit 200m in auto clicking thieving and I have friends who have auto clicked 99 woodcutting using AHK (cut/fletch/drop)īut I have never met a single honest person that I knew personally that said they were banned for auto clicking that actually was banned for auto clicking,and I will never believe them even if they told me they were, because reality is I just know from my experience and my friends experiences that is enough for me. I have several friends on rs3 with 200mill in mining/fishing and 200m in agility (using auto clicker and a ahk script to delete items out of inventory) I don't know a single honest person banned for auto clicking that made the claim The problem is, those services also include screen readers and other useful tools for disabled. All autoclickers use accessibility services to emulate clicks, and there is an API that allows you to detect if any accessibility service is running. There is no API to detect if an autoclicker is running. Click to expand.honestly I think theres a lot of bull shit within the community using scare tactics and attention seekers that say they've been banned for auto clicking. Can websites detect auto clickers 1 Answer.